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Basic Chinese Pinyin
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can you read it "Fùyǒu"?
Fùyǒu /RICH/
How can you read it "Xióngmāo"?
Xióngmāo /PANDA/
How can you read it L?
How can you read it XIÒNG?
How can you read it CH?
How can you read it P?
How can you read it ZH?
What is the meaning of "拼音 (pīnyīn)"?
Chinese alphabet
这是 什么 语气?(zhè shì shénme yǔqì?) What tone is this?
第二声 (dì èr shēng) Second tone
这是 什么 语气?(zhè shì shénme yǔqì?) What tone is this?
第四声 (dì sì shēng) Fourth tone
这是 什么 语气?(zhè shì shénme yǔqì?) What tone is this?
第三声 (dì sān shēng) Third tone
这是 什么 语气?(zhè shì shénme yǔqì?) What tone is this?
第一声 (dì yī shēng)First tone
How many initials or consonant in Pinyin?
23 consonant
How many vowel or single finals in Chinese alphabet?
6 single finals
What is the meaning of "汉字 (hànzì)"?
Chinese Character
中文 是 哪个 国家 的 语言? (zhōngwén shì nǎge guójiā de yǔyán?) Chinese is the language of which country?
汉语 有 多少 个 声调? (hànyǔ yǒu duōshǎo gè shēngdiào?) How many basic tones in Chinese?
4 Tones