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Isn't it ironic?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the setting of "The Dinner Party"?
What did Melinda's mother think about her bad behavior?
She hoped she would outgrow it
This type of irony is when something happens and it is the opposite of what you would expect
situational irony
This type of irony could also be someone being sarcastic
verbal irony
Is this verbal irony, situational irony, or not irony at all? I just can't wait to start this 30 page research paper! Can we please do this more often?
verbal irony
Is this verbal irony, situational irony, or not irony at all? A teacher doesn't ever allow students to use their phones in class but spends the entire hour scrolling through her text messages.
situational irony
Is this verbal irony, situational irony, or not irony at all? A man slips on a banana peel.
Not irony
Who began the game that would keep everyone still as statues during the dinner party?
American naturalist
Who had the cobra lying across their foot in the end of "The Dinner Party"?
the hostess
What is the argument about at the dinner party?
Whether or not women are as strong as men
Why does Melinda wish for her own death?
She forgot to study for the math test
Who grants Melinda her wishes?
a talking snail
Was the ending of "The Dinner Party" situational or verbal irony?
Situational irony
Was the ending of "Those Three Wishes" situational or verbal irony?
verbal irony
What is the meaning of the word "malice" used to describe Melinda in "Those Three Wishes"?
intention or desire to do evil