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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's very ill so he isn't at work.
If he wasn't very sick, he would be at work.
It won't rain tomorrow and I'll go to the coast.
We’ll go to the coast tomorrow if it doesn't rain.
We're lost because I don't have GPS on my phone.
We wouldn't be lost if I had GPS on my phone.
Throw a stone into water and it sinks.
If you throw a stone into water, it sinks, OR it'll/it will sink.
I'd really like this vase, but I don't have enough money.
If I had enough money, I would buy that vase.
I'm afraid of spiders and I can't pick it up.
If I wasn't afraid of spiders, I would pick it up.
I'm not rich  so I have to work.
If I was/were rich, I wouldn't (have to) work.
You are thinking of going away. I will miss you.
If you go away, I'll miss you.
Nigel hasn't got satellite TV, so he can't watch the game.
If Nigel had satellite TV, he could watch/would be able to watch the game.
You may want a chat, so just give me a ring.
If you want a chat, just give me a ring.
The baby is quiet, so we can sleep.
If the baby cried, we wouldn't be able to sleep.
You talk about football and I'm going to be very bored.
If you talk about football, I'm going to be very bored.
I haven't got a key, so I can't get in.
If I had a key, I could get in.
The automatic result of the door opening is the fan coming on.
If the door opens, the fan comes on.
Your friend might need some help. If so, tell her to give you a ring.
If you need some/any help, give me a ring.
I am late with my project because I always procrastinate.
If I didn't always procrastinate, I wouldn't be late with my project.
You haven't got a pen, so you can't write down the address.
If I had a pen, I could write down the address.
Warn your friend not to put too many tins into the plastic bag or it'll break.
If you put too many tins into the plastic bag, it'll break.
I am really stressed out about work. Now, I can't have fun at this party.
If I wasn't so stressed out about work, I would have fun at this party. 
You think Emma should book a seat on the train. Otherwise, she has to stand.
If Emma doesn't book a seat on the train, she'll have to stand.