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Estar 7 Unit 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time does Miss Wu take a shower?
She takes a shower at 10:00.
Is she Miss Wu?
No, she isn't.
What time do Prince Bruce and Fred get up the next morning?
They get up at 4:30.
What time do Bruce and Fred go to the bakery the next morning?
They go to the bakery at 5:30.
What time does Miss Wu go to bed?
She goes to bed at 10:30.
What time does Miss Wu have dinner?
She has dinner at 8:00.
How does Prince Bruce feel after cutting the pineapples?
He feels hungry and tired.
Is it easy to cut pineapples?
No, it isn't.
How can Prince Bruce become a good baker?
Get up early and work hard.
What does Prince Bruce need to do before Miss Wu teaches him how to bake pineapple cakes?
He needs to cut the pineapples.
What time does Miss Wu go to the bakery every morning?
She goes to the bakery at 5:30.
What class does Miss Wu have at 8:00?
She has English class at 8:00.
It's 7:30. Is Miss Wu in the bakery?
No, she isn't.
Who is she?
She's Miss Wu.
What day is today?
It's Monday.