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Electric circuits

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rheostats can be found in devices such as __________.
Heaters, radios, fans, toasters, etc.
A filament in a bulb converts __________ energy into _________ energy.
electrical energy to heat and light energy
What is the difference between static and current electricity?
Static = build-up of electrons, Current = continuous flow of charges (electrons)
What is the name given to a group of 6.25x10^18 electrons?
A coulomb
What are the three requirements for current electricity to flow through a circuit?
source of energy, closed circuit, conductors
What circuit component is this?
Conducting wire/conductor
What circuit component is this?
What circuit component is this?
What circuit component is this?
What circuit component is this?
Open and closed switch
What circuit component is this?
What circuit component is this?
What circuit component is this?
What circuit component is this?
rheostat/variable resistor