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Sports = comparatives and superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Playing ice hockey (cold) compareĀ 
colder thanĀ 
Car racing (nice) superlativeĀ 
the nicestĀ 
skating (difficult) compareĀ 
more difficult thanĀ 
Bowling (cheap) compareĀ 
cheaper thanĀ 
American football (intersting) compareĀ 
more interestingĀ 
horse racing (expensive) superlativeĀ 
the most expensiveĀ 
Cycling (fast) superlativeĀ 
the fastestĀ 
Playing golf (slow) compareĀ 
slower thanĀ 
Surfing (funny) compareĀ 
funnier thanĀ 
Boxing (violent) superlativeĀ 
the most violentĀ 
Badminton (difficult) compareĀ 
more difficult thanĀ 
running (exausting) compareĀ 
more exausting thanĀ 
soccer (famous) superlativeĀ 
the most famousĀ 
table tennis (small) compareĀ 
smaller thanĀ 
Swimming (tiring) superlative
the most tiringĀ 
Tennis (popular) compare
more popupar thanĀ 
Volleyball (good) superlative
the bestĀ 
Baseball (nice) compare
nicer thanĀ