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Context Clues- Multiple Choice

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Dad stops the car when the traffic SIGNAL turns from yellow to red. What does signal mean?
anything that serves to indicate, warn, direct, command, or the like, as a light, a gesture, an act, etc.:
We climbed ABOARD the cruise ship and waved good-bye. What does aboard mean?
on board; on, in, or into a ship, train, airplane, bus, etc.:
The hungry hawk soars through the air hunting PREY. What does prey mean?
an animal hunted or seized for food, especially by a carnivorous animal
Marla stirred the cake BATTER before pouring it into the pan. What does batter mean?
a mixture of flour, milk or water, eggs, etc., beaten together for use in cookery
Mariah is so COZY in her bed, she doesn't want to get up. What does cozy mean?
Snugly warm and comfortable.
When Uncle Ted starts to CHUCKLE, you know he's going to tell a funny story. What does chuckle mean?
to laugh to oneself: to laugh softly
Jessica waits patiently for her flower to BLOSSOM. What does blossom mean?
The flower of a plant, especially one producing edible fruit.
The firefighter will RESCUE the cat in the tree. What does rescue mean?
to free or deliver from confinement, danger, or difficulty
From the top of the mountain, we could see cattle grazing in the VALLEY. What does valley mean?
an extensive, more or less flat, and relatively low region drained by a great river system.
It is fun to watch squirrels GATHER nuts and store them. What does gather mean?
To bring together into one group.
The gold miner's JOURNEY from the East Coast to California took many weeks. What does journey mean?
Traveling from one place to another, usually taking a long time.
In October, it's fun to CARVE faces on our pumpkins. What does carve mean?
To cut so as to form something.
Real diamonds SPARKLE in the sunlight. What does sparkle mean?
To shine or glisten with little gleams of light.
Michael was out of breath after climbing the STEEP hill. What does steep mean?
Having an almost vertical slope or pitch.
Ships of all sizes dock in the HARBOR at the end of their journey. What does HARBOR mean?
a part of a body of water along the shore deep enough for anchoring a ship & so situated with respect to coastal features, to protect from waves, winds, current
My dog likes to GNAW on bones before burying them. What does gnaw mean?
To bite or chew on
We always BUNDLE our newspapers before taking them to the recycling center. What does bundle mean?
Several objects or a quantity of material gathered or bound together.
It is UNUSUAL for a dog and a cat to like each other. What does unusual mean?
not common or ordinary, uncommon
Before going to sleep, I SWITCH off the light. What does switch mean?
To change direction of course, turn, shift, change.
The SWIFT current took us down the river in record time. What does the swift mean?
Moving or capable of moving with great speed.
The teacher will REPEAT each spelling word three times. What does repeat mean?
To say or utter again.
Many years ago, my grandmother's trunk once belonged to an ANCESTOR. What does ancestor mean?
A person from whom one is descended.
The homecoming queen wore a very FASHIONABLE gown to the school dance. What does fashionable mean?
Current, popular, stylish
As EDITOR of the city's newspaper, Mr. Sims corrects mistakes and checks the facts of each story. What does editor mean?
A person who corrects, prepares or arranges materials for publication.
Sally must COAX her dog with a treat to do his tricks. What does coax mean?
To attempt to influence by gentle persuasion.
It takes the mailman four hours to walk his ROUTE each day. What does route mean?
A course, way or road for passage or travel.
No one could hear me until I used the megaphone to AMPLIFY my voice. What does amplify mean?
To make larger, greater, or stronger.
My grandmother stores lots of things down in the CELLAR. What does cellar mean?
An underground room.
The farmer will SCATTER corn on the ground to feed his chickens. What does scatter mean?
To throw loosely about.
We found milk, yogurt, and cheese in the dairy SECTION of the grocery store. What does section mean?
A distinct part of anything