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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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disguise they'll him it
The sky's the limit.
what hurt our
water tower
hit saw my fought
It's all my fault.
husk who puck odd edge geez
A scoop of cottage cheese.
eight aisle full oar
A tile floor.
furs tar rise heat who night
First star I see tonight.
rack ooze bug eddie saws
Ragu spaghetti sauce
up ape irk udder
a paper cutter
watt sap inning
What's happening?
noggin hock ooze there
Knock knock. Who's there?
us heaven for tease heaven
a 747
haul mull own
home alone
aisle eggs play knit
I'll explain it.
dawn buried hick yule us
Don't be ridiculous.
Rays Die Browse
raised eyebrows
hike ann tell pit
I can't help it.
erased wrack
A race track.
up he such ease
A piece of cheese.
Golf lie ache height
Go fly a kite.
Laugh tan Did
left handed
Eight hoop hay
a toupee
Chest Hey Kitty Sea
Just take it easy.
Fun Heal Lush Aches
vanilla shakes
These If Hill wore
the Civil war