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Can You Name 5?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you name 5 means of transportation ?
Car, train, plane, boat, bus, bicycle, etc.
Can you name 5 yellow things?
Flowers, birds, the sun, cars, bees, etc.
Can you name 5 shapes?
Circle, rectangle, square, triangle, heart, etc.
Can you name 5 things you can find in a kitchen?
Stove, oven, fridge, food, cabinets, etc.
Can you name 5 blue things?
water, sky, cars, markers, shoes, pants, etc.
Can you name 5 farm animals?
Cow, chicken, duck, pig, horse, etc.
Name 5 songs
Can't Stop the Feeling, Count on Me, Thunder, Colors of the Wind, etc.
Name 5 emotions
Happy, sad, mad, sleepy, surprised, etc.
Name 5 desserts
Cake, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, cheesecake, etc.
Name 5 things you can eat
Pizza, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, tacos, ice cream etc.
Name 5 countries
Ireland, Egypt, Brazil, Australia, Canada, etc.
Name 5 singers or musicians
Leean Rimes, John Legend, Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber, etc.
Name 5 sports
Soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, swimming, etc.
Name 5 restuarants
Culver's, Burger King, McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc.
Name 5 drinks
Root beer, water, chocolate milk, coffee, tea
Name 5 pets
Dog, cat, bunny, bird, fish, etc.
Name 5 movies
Moana, Frozen, Lego Movie, Avengers, etc.
Name 5 instruments
Piano, guitar, xylophone, drum, maraca, cabasa, etc.
Name 5 school subjects
Math, science, english, social studies, etc.
Name 5 animals in the ocean
Shark, whale, fish, turtle, jellyfish, dolphins, etc.
Name 5 games to play
Monopoly, tetris, Among us, Tic Tac Toe, Rock Paper Scissors
Name 5 colors
Blue, green, red, orange, yellow, pink, and more!