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Present Perfect -1-

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She / already / come
She has already come.
The trip / cost / more than I expected.
The trip's cost more than I expected.
I / not eat / any meat for 2 years.
I haven't eaten any meat for 2 years.
We / drive / a long way and now we're tired.
We've driven a long way and now we're tired.
he/ do the homework?
Has he done the homework?
The dog / not drink / the water.
The dog hasn't drunk the water
Lara / not choose/ a date for her birthday party/ yet.
Lara hasn't chosen a date for her birthday party yet.
I / catch / a bad cold.
I've caught a bad cold.
you / buy /any milk at the supermarket?
Have you bought any milk at the supermarket?
This famous architect / build / most houses in this city.
This famous architect's built most houses in this city.
Sue / not bring / the equipment.
Sue hasn't brought the equipment.
My brother / break / his arm.
My brother's broken his arm.
I/ just begin/ reading a new book.
I've just begun reading a new book.
The new government/ become / more interested in Health
The new government has become more interested in Health
you/ ever be/ Australia?
Have you ever been to Australia?