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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the difference between taking notes and making a note?
What's the difference between taking notes and making a note? You take notes in a lecture. Making a note is writing one note about something you don't want to f
What's the difference between a conclusion and a summary?
A conclusion is the final section of, for example, an essay. A summary is a brief description of a longer
What's the difference between a first draft and a final draft? What's the difference between a first draft and a final draft?
A first draft is the first version of a piece of writing. The final draft is finished.
What's the difference between a university and a campus?
A campus is a group of university buildings all on the same site. Not all universities have a campus.
What's the difference between research and a discovery?
Research is investigation into a subject. A discovery reveals something new (it can be the result of research).
What's the difference between a lecturer and a tutor?
A lecturer gives lectures. A tutor has one-to-one tutorials with you. A lecturer may also be a tutor.
What's the difference between an essay and a dissertation?
An dissertation is much longer than an essay.
What's the difference between a seminar and a meeting?
Seminar is a meeting about learning something
In a university, what's the difference between a supervisor and an administrator?
A lecturer who directs your research is your supervisor. An administrator works in an office.
What's the difference between an article and a thesis?
A thesis is a very long piece of academic writing. An article is a short piece for a newspaper or magazine.
What's the difference between a lecture and a talk?
A talk is more informal, and usually on a subject of general rather than academic interest.
What's the difference between handing in something and handing out something?
When you finish an essay, you hand it in to your tutor. To hand out means to distribute.
What's the difference between a course and a scholarship?
A course is a program of lessons or lectures. A scholarship is funding for a course from an organisation.
What's the difference between a lecturer and a professor?
A professor is more senior. She/he is often the head of the department.