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Correct or incorrect?: I'd prefer to live in modern city than old-fashioned village
Incorrect: in A modern village/AN old-fashioned village
Correct or incorrect?: Sam loves her brothers and sisters and is really happy that she has unusual family!
Incorrect - AN unusual family
Correct or incorrect?: Sam works hard at school, and she wants to study art when she's older
Correct or incorrect?: The have big house with 10 bedrooms
Incorrect - A big house
Correct or incorrect?: All children had problems in their countries, so Sam's parents offered them a home
Correct or incorrect?: Two of her brothers are from Mexico, and three sisters are from the Africa
Incorrect - FROM AFRICA
Correct or incorrect?: Sam's brothers and sisters come from all over the world
Correct or incorrect?: She lives with her parents and 24 brothers and sisters
Correct or incorrect?: Sam Briggs lives in a small town in USA
Incorrect - THE USA
There are often _______ arguments in our house.
My brother always wants to play _______ same computer game that I want to play, at _______ only time I'm free to play.
the / the
I've got _______ younger brother and he's really annoying!
_______ house where we live is always very busy, especially in _______ mornings, where everyone is trying to get ready _______ school!
the / -
I come from _______ big family with nine children.
I like spending _______ time with my parents, and I've got _______ friends I can see if I want to be with people my age.
- / -
I'm ______ only child but it isn't _______ problem for me.