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All About Brazil!

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This statue is a symbol of peace that welcomes people to Brazil from around the world.
Christ the Redeemer
Brazilians like to drink __________ & _____________?
cafezinho & maté
This mix of meat, black beans, and rice is Brazil's national dish.
Where do people go to celebrate Carnival?
Rio de Janeiro
How many days do Brazilians celebrate Carnaval?
4 days
What is the biggest holiday in Brazil?
How do Brazilians enjoy free time with family and friends?
Watch TV series; Go dancing; Head to the white, sandy beaches
The most popular sport in Brazil is soccer or ___________________.
How do you say "Please" in Portuguese?
Por Favor
How do you say "Thank You" in Portuguese?
Name at least 3 animals that can be found in The Amazon Rain Forest.
stork, sloth, tapir, giant anteater, boa constrictor
________________________ is the world's largest tropical rain forest.
The Amazon Rain Forest
What does "Ordem E Progresso" mean?
Order and Progress
How many stars does a Brazilian flag have?
27 white stars
What are the colors of Brazilian Flag?
Green, Yellow, Blue & White
Brazil's largest city is?
São Paulo
What is Brazil's population?
215.2 million
What is Brazil's offcial language?
What is Brazil's currency?
What is the most famous falls in Brazil?
Iguacu Falls
____________ is Brazil's capital.
Name 2 Brazilian large cities?
Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo
What ocean does Eastern Brazil face?
Atlantic Ocean (North & South)
What 2 countries don't share border with Brazil?
Ecuador and Chile
What shape is the Brazil's map look like?
In what continent Brazil is in?
South America