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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does a monarch butterfly eat?
What does a moth spin its cocoon out of?
How can a butterfly protect itself from predators?
Some can camouflage and some have patterns that look like eyes
How many legs do they have?
How many wings does a butterfly have?
How many different kinds of butterflies are there?
What do butterflies taste with?
Their feet
What does a butterfly drink with?
They have a proboscis that acts like a straw
What is the difference cocoon and chrysalis?
A cocoon does not need to be hanging. A cocoon is usually fuzzy
What is a difference between a butterfly and moth?
Moth antennas are hairy. Moths are nocturnal.
How do a butterflies wings dry?
They lay out in the sun?
What butterfly is poisoness?
Monarch Butterfly
What are a butterflies predators?
Frogs, birds, spirders
What is wrong with a butterfly when it comes out?
Their wings are wet and they can't fly
Where does butterfly lay their eggs?
A leaf-so the caterpillar has food when it comes out
What is the first thing a caterpillar eats?
Its own egg
What happens to a caterpillars skin?
It sheds
What are the stages of a butterflies life cycle?
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis, Butterfly
How many life stages does a butterfly have?