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1BTO Unit 8 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did that sign say? .. I think it said "open until 7pm", but I don't have my glasses on, ____ you.
Have you seen Joe? As a ______ ___ ______, I just ran into him yesterday.
matter of fact
I agree. = That's a really good _____.
I agree = I'm ____ you 100% on that.
"Please don't tell my sister" "Don't worry, my lips are ______."
____ has it that Adele is releasing a new album soon.
If ______ gets out about the conspiracy, so many politicians are going to jail.
I know you're dying to tell her the news, but you need to bite your _______ until the report confirms our theory.
I think phase 1 starts next week, but don't _____ me on that.
Reword the sentences using WHAT or ALL to add emphasis: You only need love.
All you need is love.
Reword the sentences using WHAT or ALL to add emphasis: I just need a few more minutes to finish this exam.
All i need is a few more minutes to finish this exam.
Reword the sentences using WHAT or ALL to add emphasis: I just want David to be happy.
All I want is (for) David to be happy.
Reword the sentences using WHAT or ALL to add emphasis: His anger really scared me.
What really scared me was his anger.
Complete with an -ever word: The rules are simple, ______ gets the highest score wins.
Complete with an -ever word: John moved to a town called Lymphville, _____ that is.
Complete with an -ever word: _____ happens, try to stay calm.
Complete with an -ever word: This window leaks ____ it rains.
Complete with an -ever word: The museum is open 7 days a week, so we can go on ____ day we like.
Complete with an -ever word: Don't be late for your interview, _____ you do.
Reword the sentence. "That documentary taught me absolutely nothing." -> _______ whatsoever.
That documentary taught me nothing whatsoever.
Reword the sentence to emphasize the bold word using the word in parenthesis. THOMAS broke the lamp, not Daniel. (it)
It was Thomas who broke the lamp, not Daniel.
If I "endorse" a policy, what am I doing?
I am saying I support it, usually publically.
Jenny: "Tea is much healthier than coffee.".... Tom: "I concur with you." Tom (agrees/disagrees) with Jenny.
Name a conspiracy theory related to COVID-19.
Wuhan laboratory, bat soup, 5G towers, bioweapon... etc.
What is the difference between "libel" and "slander"?
Libel is written defamation, slander is written.
"Because of COVID, a lot of people have been let go lately. I think the economy will suffer as a result." What does "be let go" mean?
to be fired/furloughed
"I didn't know you were expecting! Congratulations!" What is the person "expecting"?
a baby