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ENT403 - (G) Using possessive gerunds

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am proud of (me/achieve) such a significant milestone.
my achieving
The professor lectured the students. (______ captivated the students' attention.)
The professor's lecturing
The gardener planted on the backyard. (_________ beautified the backyard.)
The garderner's planting
The team leader is considering (us/enter) the competition.
our entering
He confessed to (them/stealing) the cookies from the jar.
their stealing
She's hesitant about (he/make) decisions without consulting others.
his making
The doctor recommended (she/take) vitamins for better health.
her taking
I remember (you/mention) the upcoming event.
your mentioning
The manager approved of (them/use) the conference room.
their using
The chef cooked for the customers. (.......... left a lasting impression on the restaurant's customers.)
The chef's cooking
The children play in the park. (.........delighted their parents.)
The children's playing....
Correct the sentence: The manager approved of them using the conference room.
their using
Correct the sentence: We are considering Mike joining the committee.
Mike's joining
Correct the sentence: He insisted on them participating in the event.
their participating
Correct the sentence: She doesn't mind you borrowing her books.
your borrowing
Correct the sentence: We enjoyed the student singing at the concert.
the student's singing
Correct the sentence: I can't stand he complaining all the time.
his complaining
Correct the sentence: They appreciate me helping with the project.
my helping
John writes poem. _____ has captured the attention of literary enthusiasts.
John's writing / His writing
The dog barked at the intruder. _____ alerted the family to the intruder.
The dog's barking / Its barking
Mary sang well. ____________ impressed everyone at the talent show.
Mary's singing / Her singing
(Write yes or no question.) Sara / answer her phone during movies / attract a lot of attention
Does Sara's answering her phone during movies attract a lot of attention?
(yes or no question) your father / smoke in the car / bother everyone in your family
Does your father's smoking in the car bother everyone in your family?
she / put on her makeup on the bus / drive you crazy
Does her putting on her makeup on the bus drive you crazy?
your son / sleep late every morning / make you angry
Does your son's sleeping late every morning make you angry?
(yes/no) they / talk during your presentation / be annoying
Is their talking during presentation annoying?
(yes/no) he / play loud music / bother you
Does his playing loud music bother you?
Paula says bad things about people all the time. (What I don't like is..........)
What I don't like is Paula's saying bad things about people all the time.
You always pay for lunch. (I object to..........)
I object to your always paying for lunch.
We walked to the restaurant at night. (.......... probably wasn't a safe thing to do.)
Our walking to the restaurant at night probably wasn't a safe thing to do.
The hotel clerk expected a tip. (.......... seemed inappropriate to me.)
The hotel clerk's expecting a tip seemed inappropriate to me.
That dog followed us down the street. (..........scared me.)
That dog's following us down the street scared me.
She texted her friends during the movie. (I couldn't stand ..........!)
I couldn't stand her texting her friends during the movie.
My neighbor complains about everything. (.......... makes me angry sometimes.)
My neighbor's complaining about everything makes me angry sometimes.
My brother leaves his dirty laundry on the floor. (....... really bothers me.)
My brother's leaving his dirty laundry on the floor really bothers me.