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Simple Past

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete with the past form of the verb: ____ they _____ (dance) at the party yesterday?
Did/ dance
Complete with the past form of the verb: ____ he ____ (come) to the party?
Complete with the past form of the verb: ____ you ____ (see) that movie?
Complete with the past form of the verb: My sister _____ (not/give) me a present for my birthday.
didn't give
Complete with the past form of the verb: His mom ______ (make) a delicious sandwich last night.
Complete with the past form of the verb: My friends _____ (play) a lot of video games last weekend.
Complete with the past form of the verb: He _______ (not/eat) chocolate cake yesterday.
didn't eat
Complete with the past form of the verb: She _____ (send) her brother a message.
Complete with the past form of the verb: They _____ (get) their dog last month.
Complete with the past form of the verb: They ______ (go) to the movies last night.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: They bought new T-shirts _____.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: She got a new dress and flip flops _____Wednesday.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: Ana bought it online _____week.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: He bought those shorts _____night.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: Her aunt bought it for her two months ______.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: She bought these jeans _____.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: Bill got a new jacket a few days _____.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: We went shopping _____Saturday.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: I got this shirt a week _____.
Complete the sentences with last, ago or recently: I got new shoes _____.
? / those / are / new / jeans
Are those new jeans?
? / you / it / get / did / recently
Did you get it recently?
. / went / week / she / shopping / last
She went shopping last week.
. / mall / him / recently / I / the / saw / at
I saw him at the mall recently.
. / month / they / glasses / last / bought / these
They bought these glasses last month.
/ dress / she / the / got / yesterday
She got the dress yesterday.
/ bought / five / I / ago / it / weeks
I bought it five weeks ago.