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KIDS BOX 2 : Unit 9 Clothes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She's wearing a brown ______ and a brown _______
skirt / t-shirt
Look at the picture. Which item is the boy NOT wearing?
a blue skirt and green socks
blue shorts and green shoes
a green sweatshirt and blue shorts
Which sentence is TRUE about this picture?
There are two scarves and one hat.
There are two hats and one scarf.
There are three socks and two hats
Look at the picture. Which clothes are NOT shown?
green gloves and yellow socks
green scarf and blue socks
a brown coat and a blue jacket
The boy is wearing dark brown ..............
trousers / pants
Look at the picture. Which sentence is correct?
The man is wearing a hat.
The man isn't wearing a hat.
The man is wearing shorts.
Look at the picture. Which sentence is correct?
The girls are wearing shorts.
The girls are wearing socks.
Only one girl is wearing shorts.
Look at the picture. Which sentence is correct?
She's wearing a long scarf and a coat.
She's wearing a short jacket and a short scarf.
She's wearing a hat and black boots.
Look at the picture. Which sentence is correct?
He's wearing yellow shoes, white socks and a yellow shirt.
He's wearing black shorts. yellow socks and a yellow shirt.
He's wearing white shoes, yellow socks and a black shirt.
Look at the picture. Which sentence is correct?
He's wearing grey trousers and red tennis shoes.
He's wearing a grey shirt and green trousers.
He's wearing grey tennis shoes and green trousers.
Look at the picture. Which sentence is correct?
She's wearing a red scarf, red boots and a purple jacket.
She's wearing a red jacket and purple hat.
She's wearing white mittens and a white hat.
She's wearing a green coat and boots.
She is wearing a white hat and red scarf. TRUE / FALSE
False. Her hat and scarf are white
What colour is her dress?
He is wearing black _______.
She is wearing yellow ______.
What is the boy wearing?
a red t-shirt
She is wearing yellow .........
The girl is wearing a purple ____ and purple ______.
t-shirt / socks
She is wearing a purple .............
What´s this? T R I S H -T
What are these?  K O S C S
pink socks
She's wearing a skirt and ONE pink _____!
The boy is wearing a green ...........
What´s this?      gandhab
a handbag
The man is wearing a white _____ and blue________
t-shirt / jeans
What´s this? T I R K S
What do you see?
a green dress
What do you see?
a shirt
What do you see?
a lilac hat
What are these? 
trousers / jeans