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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I already (to have) one flying lesson, and I (to know) immediately that I (to want) to get my pilot's licence.)
had already had/ knew/ wanted
I (to want) to say goodbye to Jerry, but he already (to leave).
wanted/ had already left
It (not to rain) all summer, so the grass (to be) completely dead.
hadn't rained/ was
Holly (not to eat) oysters before, so she (not to be) sure what to do with them.
hadn't eaten/ wasn't
When we (to get) married, we (to know) each other for about two years.
got/ had known
I (to see) the film before, so I (to know) how it ended.
had seen/ knew
We (to choose) the Hotel Rio because we (to stay) there before.
chose/ had stayed
By the time Beethoven (to die), he (to write) nine symphonies.
died/ had written
We (not to feel) like playing Scrabble because we just (to finish) a long game of Monopoly.
didn't feel/ had just finished
I already (to buy) the computer game when I (to see) it was cheaper in another shop.
had already bought/ saw
I (to live) next to the gym for a couple of months before I (to decide) to join.
had lived/ decided
He (to ask) me which animals I (to see) in Africa.
asked/ had seen