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25A--->25B言い換え(3人称単数現在形� ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I wash the dishes. →「かのじょは 手を 洗います。」
She washes her hands.
I watch the news. →「かれはドラマを 見ます。」
He watches the dramas.
I walk to school. →「かのじょは 歩いて家に帰ります。」
She walks home.
I want a cell phone. →「かれは 犬がほしいです。」
He wants a dog.
I use chopsticks. →「かのじょはパソコンを使います。」
She uses a PC.
I teach piano. →「かれは 音楽を教えます。」
He teaches music.
I take a bus. →「かのじょは おふろに 入ります。」
She takes a bath.
I swim in the ocean. →「かれはプールで 泳ぎます。」
He swims in the pool.
I study science. →「かのじょは 算数を 勉強します。」
She studies math.
I sleep on a bed. →「かれはよくねます。」
He sleeps well.
I stop at the red light. →「かのじょはサッカーをするのをやめます。」
She stops playing soccer.
I stand by the door. →「かれは 窓のそばに 立ちます。」
He stands by the window.
I speak Japanese. →「かのじょは 中国語を話します。」
She speaks Chinese.
I see an elephant. →「かれは 山を 見ます。」
He sees mountains.
I say thank you. →「かのじょはこんにちはと言います。」
She says hello.
I sit on the sofa. →「かれは 席に すわります。」
He sits in his seat.
I sing a song. →「かのじょはじょうずに 歌います。」
She sings well.
I run down the hill. →「かれは 速く 走ります。」
He runs fast.
I read the newspaper. →「かのじょは たくさん 本を 読みます。」
She reads many books.
I play at the park. →「かれはバイオリンをひきます。」
He plays the violin.