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Ionic bonds

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The atomic number of Carbon is 6. How many electrons has in its valence shell?
2. Two unpaired electrons in 2P (2P²)
True or false: Lithium is one of the most electronegative elements.
False, lithium belongs to the IA group in the periodic table, so it's electropositive!
Two non-metalic elements could make a ionic bond?
No, it is neccesary to have a big electronegativity difference (≥1.5)
Which ones are ionic bonds: CO, NaCl, CaO, KBr, NO?
NaCl, CaO, KBr.
Are ionic compounds soluble in water?
Yes! The hydrogen bonds of water allows ionic molecules to easily dissolve.
True or false: Ionic compounds have really high melting points.
True! They have very strong bonds, for example, NaCl melting point is 801 °C
True or false: Ionic compounds don't behave as electrical conductors in any situation.
False, they are conductors in aqueous solution or molten state.
Is it possible to link 2 atoms from the same chemical element and why?
No, because it is essential to have very different values of electronegativity.