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Review Sentence Types & Common Errors

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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During the ESL graduation, is a special time to honor students' hard work.
Simple Sentence (Incorrect - missing subject)
After every quarter, some students away to another city or state.
Simple Sentence (Incorrect - missing verb)
After picking up my daughter from school, I drove home, then I had lunch.
Compound Sentence (Incorrect - missing conjunction)
Monica will pass the exam if she studies hard.
Complex Sentence (Correct!)
In the middle of summer, the sky is often clear at night.
Simple Sentence (Correct!)
Sean has a fear of heights he enjoys skydiving.
Compound Sentence (Incorrect - run-on)
Because the night sky is clear when it is so cold.
Complex Sentence (Incorrect -fragment)
At the same time, the baby’s cry also very pure.
Simple Sentence (Incorrect - missing verb)
I wasn't really hungry, but I ate lunch anyway.
Compound Sentence (Correct!)
The vacation was more expensive than we had planned, we decided to go anyway.
Compound Sentence (Incorrect - missing conjunction)
Rosanne really wanted to learn to drive but she was too young to get a driver's license.
Compound Sentence (Incorrect - comma error)
Even though Emily skipped breakfast, but she still has a lot of energy.
Complex Sentence (Incorrect - delete "but")
Since the storm was approaching.
Complex Sentence (Incorrect - fragment)
Even though I don't like to swim I love going to the beach in the summer.
Complex Sentence (Incorrect - comma error)
Mark can't afford a car unless he saves money every month.
Complex Sentence (Correct!)
If Beth doesn't get new car tabs, she'll get a ticket.
Complex Sentence (Correct!)