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Compare and contrast

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Although cats are alive, chairs are not.
contrast - although
Both bananas and lemons are yellow fruits.
compare - both
Panda bears live in warm areas, instead of cold areas where polar bears live.
contrast - instead of
Dolphins live in the ocean. Tigers, however, live in the forest.
contrast - however
Dolphins and tigers are similar because they are mammals.
compare - similar
Cupcakes and cakes have much different sizes.
contrast - different
Both cupcakes and cakes are sweet.
compare - both
Although sharks live in the ocean, goldfish often live in bowls as pets.
contrast - although
Bees are different from butterflies because bees live in a large community and butterflies live alone.
contrast - different
Butterflies can fly. Also, bees can fly.
compare - also
Polar Bears and Panda bears are equally large animals.
compare - equally
Bananas are sweet. However, lemons are sour.
contrast - however
Both the chair and the cat have 4 legs.
compare - both