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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I spoke English, I _______ (visit) the UK.
If I spoke English, I would visit the UK.
If they ________ (arrive) late, we won't be able to attend the meeting.
If they arrive late, we won't be able to attend the meeting.
If Laura hadn't missed the train, ___________.
POSSIBLE ANSWER: If Laura hadn't missed the trains, she would have gone to the party.
If you _______ (water) the plants, they die.
If you don't water the plants, they die.
If I had listened to my best friend, _______________________.
POSSIBLE ANSWER: If I had listened to my best friend, I wouldn't have accepted the job.
If I had a rabbit, I _______ (call) it Bolita.
If I had a rabbit, I would call it Bolita.
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE SO THAT IT MEANS THE SAME AS THE FIRST ONE: I didn't take an umbrella because it wasn't raining. I would have taken an umbrella if ______ .
I would have taken an umbrella if had been raining.
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE SO THAT IT MEANS THE SAME AS THE FIRST ONE: My advice to you is to take a bottle of water. If I were you _____ .
If I were you, I would take a bottle of water.
FIND THE MISTAKE: If I was you, I wouldn't spend so much money on clothes.
If I WERE you, I wouldn't spend so much money on clothes.
If it rains tomorrow, _______________.
POSSIBLE ANSWER: If it rains tomorrow, I won't go to the park with my dog.
Unless companies ________ (stop) using fossil fuels, many people will die because of pollution.
Unless companies stop using fossil fuels, many people will die because of pollution.
If the sea level _______ (rise), people living on the coast will have to emigrate.
If the sea level rises, people living on the coast will have to emigrate.