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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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...... do you get up on Saturday?
WHAT TIME do you get up on Saturday?
...... tea do you drink every day?
HOW MUCH tea do you drink every day?
...... do you read a book?
HOW OFTEN do you read a book?
...... is your sister/brother?
HOW OLD is your sister/brother?
...... is your best friend?
WHO is your best friend?
..... do you go to bed?
WHEN do you go to bed?
..... do you usually do after dinner?
WHAT do you usually do after dinner?
....... does it snow in Poland?
WHEN does it snow in Poland?
..... visits you every weekend?
WHO visits you every weekend?
...... can you buy vegetables?
WHERE can you buy?
..... do you want to do today?
WHAT do you want to do today?
..... do you eat for dinner?
WHAT do you eat for dinner?
...... do you take a shower?
WHEN do you take a shower?
...... kind of music does your best friend listen to?
WHAT kind of music does your best friend listen to?
...... do they usually spend their holidays?
WHERE do they usually spend their holidays?
...... does the bank open?
WHAT TIME does the bank open?
...... do Tina and her little brother watch every Saturday morning?
What do Tina and her little brother watch every Saturday morning?
..... do you go to school?
HOW do you go to school?
...... does your uncle live?
WHERE does your uncle live?
I eat 3 SANDWICHES for breakfast. (How many)
How many sandwiches do you eat for breakfast?
How many sisters has he got?
I play tennis WHEN I HAVE TIME. (When)
When do you play tennis?
I usually eat SCRAMBLED EGGS for breakfast. (What)
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
My brother collects STAMPS. (What)
What does your brother collects?
We begin our lessons AT 8 A.M. (What time)
What time do you begin your lessons?
I go jogging IN THE MORNING. (When)
When do you go jogging?
MARK visits me every day. (Who)
Who visits you every day?
I usually STAY AT HOME on rainy days. (What)
What do you usually do on rainy days?
I go to school BY BIKE. (How)
How do you go to school?
We usually wake up AT 6 O'CLOCK. (What time)
What time do you usually wake up?
I feel GREAT today. (How)
How do you feel today?
Tim and Steve go to the gym THREE TIMES A WEEK. (How often)
How often do Tim and Steve go to the gym?
The bus leaves AT 5 O'CLOCK. (What time)
What time does the bus leave?
He eats a lot of vegetables BECAUSE THEY ARE HEALTY. (Why)
Why does he eat a lot of vegetables?
She likes DOGS. (What animals)
What animals does she like?
We usually play football ON SATURDAY. (WHEN)
When do you usually play football?
Sarah usually eats meals IN A RESTAURANT. (Where)
Where does Sarah usually eats?