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Moon Phases Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does the sun set each evening?
Where does the sun rise each morning?
How long does it take the Earth to make one rotation?
24 hours
How many days does it take the Earth to make one revolution around the sun?
365 days
Which main moon phase will happen 1 week after this image?
First Quarter
What is the name of this main moon phase? How do you know?
New Moon; the whole moon is dark
What is another name for Third Quarter Moon?
Last Quarter; remember, the light is on the left for a last quarter moon
Which main moon phase will happen 3 weeks after this image?
First Quarter Moon
What is the name of this main moon phase? How do you know?
Full Moon; the whole moon is illuminated
True or False: The Earth's shadow creates the moon phases.
False; The moons orbit around the Earth creates moon phases
True or False: The moon creates it's own light.
False; the moon reflects the sunlight
Which main moon phase will happen 1 week after this image?
Full moon
What is the name of this main moon phase? How do you know?
First quarter; the light is on the right
What is the name of this main moon phase? How do you know?
Last quarter moon; the light is on the left
Which main moon phase will happen 1 week after this image?
New Moon
Explain in your own words what revolution means. Give an example
Orbit or around Example: the moon revolves around the Earth; the Earth revolves around the Sun
Explain in your own words what rotation means. Give an example
Spin Example: the Earth spinning which gives us day and night
How many days are there between each main moon phase?
1 week
How many weeks are between a 1st quarter moon and a last quarter moon?
2 weeks
How long does it take for the moon to complete one full cycle?
About 1 month
Name the 4 main moon phases
New Moon, 1st Quarter, Full Moon, Last Quarter
Where would the sun go in this diagram?
On the side by the new moon
Did this student draw the moon phases correctly? Why or why not?
Yes, the new moon is always between the sun and the Earth.
Name one cause of moon phases
1. The moon revolves around the Earth 2. The moon reflects the Sun's light (either answer)
What does this image show?
What does this image show?