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Describing things: Fact

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the item:
It's a silk cloth. This a silk cloth.
Describe the item:
It's denim jeans. These are denim jeans.
Describe the item:
It's a fabric rug. This is a fabric rug.
Describe the item:
It's a window glass. This is a window glass.
Describe the item:
It's metal. This is metal.
Describe the item:
It's a leather shoe. This is a leather shoe.  We say "a" because it's one shoe.
Describe the item:
It's wool. This is wool.
Describe the item:
It's paper. This is paper.
Describe the item:
It's wood. This is wood.
We use it's or this to describe something:
example: This a plastic bucket.
We use it's or this to describe something:
example: It's a plastic bottle.
Can you describe three things that are black?
cord, cat, hat
Can you describe three things that are white?
soap, teeth, watch
Can you describe three things that are pink?
curtains, pajamas, teddy bear
Can you describe three things that are purple?
eggplant/aubergine, comfortor, my little pony (toy)
Can you describe three things that are blue?
room, jeans, shirt
Can you describe three things that are green?
leaf, avacado, grass
Can you describe three things that are yellow?
banana, flowers, lemon
Can you describe three things that are red?
car, shoes, towels