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/r/ tongue twisters and fluency strategies

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pirates’ private plank.
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Rudder valve reversals.
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Thirty-three thirsty, thundering thoroughbreds thumped Mr. Thurber on Thursday.
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The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
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There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for some fish in a fissure. ‘Til a fish with a grin pulled the fisherman in. Now they’re fishing the fissure for Fisher.
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The two-toed tree-toad tried to win. The three-toed she-toad’s heart,
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When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored, or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor?
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Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.
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If practice makes perfect and perfect needs practice, I’m perfectly practiced and practically perfect.
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Whether the weather is warm, whether the weather is hot, we have to put up with the weather, whether we like it or not
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How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog if a groundhog could hog ground
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Round and round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran
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Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural cannery
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Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses and bludgeons ---- balancing the badly
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If you must cross a course cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the cross coarse cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully.
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I'm a mother pheasant plucker. I pluck mother pheasants. I'm the most pleasant pheasant plucker to ever pluck a mother pheasantt
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Betty Botter bought some butter but she said the butters bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my bitter batter better
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All I want is a proper cup of coffee. Made in a proper copper coffee pot. You can believe it or not. But I want a cup of coffee from a proper copper pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots, they're not good to me.
Did you say a good /r/ or say the tongue twister fluently
Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie
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Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread
did you produce a good /r/?
Really leery, rarely Larry
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