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Spring math review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ms. Nickless went went to the beach. She left her house 9:30am and got to the beach at 11:00am. How long did it take her to get to the beach?
An hour and a half or 90 minutes
Mrs. Okeefe bought a pizza for herself. The pizza was cut into 8 equal pieces, she ate 2 slices. What fraction of the pizza did she eat?
Mrs. Rhodes is buying ice cream for her class. She needs to buy 7 quarts, each quart costs $6.00, how much money does she need?
If Israel went to the store with $20 and spent $5.36 on snack how much money does he have left?
0.4 x 0.03 =
1.0 x 0.05 =
0.7 x 0.8 =
11 x 4 - (6+ 3 + 13) / 2 =
What is the area of a rectangle that has a length of 5ft and a height of 7ft?
35 square ft
What is the area of a rectangle that has a length of 9m and a height of 2m?
18 square m
0.6 x 0.08 = ?
What is the perimeter of rectangle that has two side of 12cm and two sides that are 6cm?
What is the perimeter of a triangle that has three equal sides of 7cm?
Solve 50 + 6 x (11- 4)= ?
Find the volume- L 10cm, W 7cm, H 6cm
0.5 x 0.5 = ?
Solve this 18- (21-5) / (22-18)= ?
What is the volume of this rectangular prism? L 8cm, W 2cm, H 5cm
What is 0.3 x 0.04
Israel and Joey built a fort, the fort has 4 equal sides that are 8ft. What is the perimeter of the fort?
What is the volume of this rectangular prism? L 10m, W 5m, H 2m