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English Trivia 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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UK: rubbish - US: ?
Trash/ garbage
US: sidewalk - UK: ?
UK: wadrdrobe - US: ?
Give three words that end with "ence"
consequence, existence, convenience, evidence, independence, violence, intelligence, incompetence, fluorescence, conference, science, fence, absence
Give three nouns that end with "ance"
defiance, resistance, guidance, acceptance, relevance, ignorance, importance, resemblance, instance, allowance, insurance, distance, substance, maintenance
Give four nouns that end with "ment"
disappointment, accomplishment, understatement, acknowledgment, discouragement, arrondissement, divertissement, noninvolvement, government
Give five nouns that end with "-ion"
education, relation, civilisation, version, information, section, location, onion, rotation, nation, friction, penetration, emotion
US: apartment - UK: ?
UK: football - US: ?
UK: rubber - US: ?
US: candy - UK: ?
UK: film - US: ?
Where did English originate?
What do you call a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word?
A pun
What do you call a calligraphic design that has the same or different interpretation when viewed (or rotated) upside down?
An ambigram
What do you call a phrase, sentence or a verse that reads the same forward or backward?
A palindrome
UK: lorry - US: ?
Give four irregular verbs that are spelt the same
bet, broadcast, cut, hit, hurt, let, put, quit, read, set, shut, spread