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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My skin is just like armor. It is made thick and tough. I have two horns on my snout, I am really pretty tough. What am I?
I like to ride the waves on a board that is sleek and fast. I balance on the top, who knows how long I can last. Who am I?
Below the ocean surface, the water is my realm. With a periscope for eyeballs and a captain at my helm. What am I?
I am poured into a bowl. I am bran, oats or wheat. With milk I am delicious. I am a breakfast treat. What am I?
I am good in oatmeal cookies or as eyes on gingerbread men. I am basically dried up grapes that can be eaten out of your hands. What am I?
Because I am a vegetable, I am not considered sweet. But when it comes to nutrition, I am really good to eat. What am I?
My petals are like velvet. They are the softest kind. But be careful how you pick me, because there are many thorn you'll find. What am I?
I'm small and round and valuable. I'm often made of gold. People wear me on their fingers, whether you are young or old. What am I?
I live out in the woods. I am active at night. My eyes look like a mask. My tail is black and white. What am I?
I hop my way from here to there. Another name for me is a hare. What am I?
I have it, but I don't share it. If I share it, I don't have it.
A secret
What is black and white and read all over?
I zoom around town as fast as I can
When you go far you'll get a
I'm yellow and sweet and good to eat.
You wear me on top and I keep you warm.
This year you came in second. Next year you'll come in ______
I'm a place you can run and play all day.
I chirp and sing and have two wings.
You can find shells on the sea______
I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter but not go outside. What am I?
What room has only a hat and no walls?
People eat me. I have frosting and I am served on a birthday. What am I?
Birthday Cake
I am a meat eater and I am the strongest dinosaur. What am I?
I am a liquid and I'm clear. What am I?
You cannot see me and I make you sick. What am I?