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B2.2 end-of-year revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me 2 sentences with the same modal verb used with different meanings
Give me 3 sentences with who, which and that
Give me 3 sports with "do", "go" and "play"
Give me ways to end a dialogue
Give me 2 words to use instead of "very"
Give me 3 expressions to say that you don't have the same opinion as somebody
Give me 3 expressions to say that you have the same opinion as somebody
Give me a sentence with the word "though" at the end of it
Give me 3 idioms we studied this year
Give me 2 pieces of advice to reduce sugar intake
Give me 3 tips to write a formal letter/email
Give me 2 sentences in present perfect using "for" and "since"
Tell me 2 synonyms of the expression "What do you think"
Give me 5 words related to cities
Give me 2 uses of the present continuous
Give me a sentence with "I wish" and explain its structure
What is the difference between bored and boring? Give examples
Tell me the difference between used to, be used to and get used to
Tell me 3 past regular verbs in which the ending "ed" sounds different
Tell me 3 ideas to reduce plastic waste
Tell me 3 tips to ace your oral interaction exam
Tell me 3 tips to ace the oral mediation task
Tell me 3 words to use instead of "good" and "bad"
Tell me 5 words reated to health
Give me 3 words with silent letters
half, know, calm
Complete the follwing sentence using a 2nd conditional: If I ... the president, I .........
Give me 2 expressions to use instead of "I think"
Give me 3 synonyms of "and"
Give me 3 synonyms of "but"
Give me 2 words to use instead of people
individuals, society