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Module D Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My parents [was / were] teachers.
Name 2 things you should do at a job interview.
Come on time / Wear nice clothes / Lean forward / Smile / Shake hands / Bring a résumé
You are a sales assistant. What can you do?
I can help customers / use a cash register / take returns
You are an office assistant. What can you do?
I can answer phones / organize files / take messages / use a computer
What should I do to be heathy?
You should eat fruits and vegetables. / Exercise / Walk / Be active
I have a backache. What should I do?
Use a heating pad. / Take medicine / Use an ice pack. / Rest
I have the flu. What should I do?
You should rest / drink liquids / take medicine / stay home / drink tea
Name 2 good things about walking.
It's good for you heart. / It helps you lose weight. / It's free. / It gives you energy. / It makes your bones strong.
You weren't in class last week! What happened?
[past tense answer]
What's wrong?
He has a cough.
What's wrong?
He has a sore throat. / His throat hurts.
What's wrong?
His stomach hurts. / He has a stomachache.
What's wrong?
Her ankle hurts.
Name 2 things you can do at a library.
Read books / check out books / check out movies / use a computer / get homework help
What is he doing?
Getting on the bus
What does this sign mean?
No left turn
Where is Foodsmart?
Between the bank and library / Next to the bank / Next to the library / Around the corner from the post office
Where is the bank?
Next to the supermarket
Where is this?
A gas station
Where is this?
Where is this?
A salon
Where is this?
A bus stop
Where is this?
A laundromat