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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Paraphrase it: 'The tea was very milky but I drank it anyway.' Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
That is, I drank the tea although it has too much milk in it/it was too milky.
Paraphrase it: 'The school has a big field to play football.' Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
I mean, at school, there is a big field to play football.
Paraphrase it: 'I put in a lot of practice, to get my Turkish up to speed'
I mean, after a lot of practice, I could speak Turkish quite well.
Paraphrase it: 'I went with my cousins to watch Superman.' Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
That is, my cousins and I, watched 'Superman' at the cinema.
Paraphrase it: 'It was raining so we cancelled plans to go to the beach'. Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
I mean, we didn't go to the beach because of the rain. etc
Paraphrase it: 'She loves swimming and playing Uno.''Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
That is, she enjoys swimming and playing the card game Uno.
Paraphrase it: 'In the past, men wore dresses called a tunic.' Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
Men used to wear a tunic (a dress) in ancient times.
Paraphrase it: 'This class has 30 desks.' Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
That is, there are 30 desks in this class.
Paraphrase it: Throughout the school year, she woke up early to study.
That is, she studied really hard during the school year.
Paraphrase it: Can you eat up quickly. We're going to miss the plane. Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
I mean can you hurry up!
Paraphrase it: 'I need to go'. Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
That is to say, I must leave now.
Paraphrase it: 'Say that again.' Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
I mean/That is to say can you repeat what you said.
Paraphrase it: 'This dish has a lot of chillies. My throat's burning!. Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
This food is spicy.
Paraphrase it: 'This coffee has too much sugar in it. Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
I mean to say/That is to say the coffee is too sweet!
Paraphrase it: 'The children have no manners'. Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
I mean/That is to say the children are rude.
Paraphrase it: You need to try harder . Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
I mean/ That is to say, you must make an effort.
Paraphrase it: 'The answer is correct.' Start your sentence with "I mean/That is to say..."
I mean, it's the right answer.
Paraphrase it: Uncle John has a wonderful sense of humour. Start your sentence with I mean/That is to say...
I mean, Uncle John is really funny.