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1st conditional

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If it rains tomorrow, will you bring an umbrella?
If it rains tomorrow, I will...
Will you get a dog if you decide to get a new pet?
If I decide to get a new pet, I will...
If you have some free time on Saturday, will you study more?
If I have some free time on Saturday, I will...
If you don’t eat breakfast tomorrow, will you feel hungry?
If I don’t eat breakfast tomorrow, I will...
When will you go to bed if you are really tired tonight?
If I am really tired tonight?, I will...
If you decide to eat out, which restaurant will you go to?
If I decide to eat out, I will...
What medicine will you take if you catch a cold next week?
If I catch a cold, I will...
If you want to relax after class, what will you watch on TV?
If I want to relax after class, I will...
What will you eat if you are hungry at midnight tonight?
If I'm hungry at midnight tonight, I will...
If you feel bored next Saturday, what will you do?
If I feel bored next Saturday, I will...
What will your boss say if you are late tomorrow?
If I am late tomorrow, my teacher will...
If you get lots of homework, how will you feel?
If I get lots of homework, I will...
How will you feel if you fail your next test?
If I fail my next test, I will...
If your TV breaks next week, what will you do?
If my TV breaks next week, I will...