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Conditionals Review 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If Lucy ___ her job soon, she ___ crazy!
doesn't quit / will go
doesn't quit / goes
hadn't quit / would go
quit / would go
If you ___ the present for Mary's party, I ___ it up tomorrow.
buy / will wrap
buy / wrap
bought / would have wrapped
bought / would wrap
If she ___ Mandarin, she ___ to Beijing. (but she studied Italian)
had studied / would have traveled
studied / would travel
had studied / would travel
studies / would have traveled
If my best friend ___ here in Chile, I ___ him more often (but he's back in Colombia)
lived / would see
lived / saw
would live / saw
lives / see
If Julie ___ chocolate, I ___ her some (but she hates it!)
liked / would give
liked / would have given
liked / gave
likes / will give
If I ___ to the party, I ___ Armand (but it's so good I met him!)
hadn't gone / wouldn't have met
don't go / won't meet
didn't go / wouldn't meet
don't go / don't meet
If Julie ___ to Sweden, she ___ to Germany (but she's in Sweden now)
hadn't gone / would have traveled
didn't went / would travel
hadn't went / would have traveled
didn't go / would travel
If John ___ too much coffee, he ___ tonight.
drinks / won't sleep
drank / won't sleep
drinks / doesn't sleep
drink / will sleep
If Jose ___ good French, he ___ to Paris. (but his French is pretty good!)
didn't speak / wouldn't move
speaks / won't move
doesn't speak /wouldn't move
hadn't spoken / wouldn't move
If I ___ a new car, I ___ a new one (but I'm happy with the car I have!)
wanted / would buy
want / will buy
had wanted / would buy
wanted / buy
If Lucy ___ enough time, she ___ more (but she works so much!)
had / would travel
has / travels
had / traveled
have / will travel
If the baby ___ better last night, I ___ so tired all day.
had slept / wouldn't have been
slept / wouldn't be
sleeps / am not
sleeps / won't be
If she ___ to the meeting next week, I ___ either.
doesn't go / won't go
don't go / don't go
doesn't go / wouldn't go
isn't go / don't go
If the weather ___ so cold yesterday, we ___ to the beach.
hadn't been / would have gone
wasn't / would go
wasn't / would have gone
hadn't been / would go
If we ___ harder, we ___ the exam tomorrow.
don't work harder / won't pass
work / won't pass
worked / will pass
work / pass
Everybody ___ grumpy if it ___ a lot.
is / rains
was / rained
had been / had rained
is / rain
The river ___ if it ___ very cold.
freezes / is
had frozen / is
froze / was
freeze / was
If you ___ water and electricity, you ___ a shock.
mix / get
mixed / will get
will mix/ would get
had mixed / would get
It ___ nicer if the rain ___.
would be / stopped
were / stopped
was / stops
was / would stop
If I ___ late, I ___ you.
am / will call
am / would have called
was / will call
were / call
If children ___ well, they ___ healthy.
don't eat / aren't
doesn't eat / don't be
doesn't eat / won't be
had eaten / will be