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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why can't soil be compacted down?
There needs to be room for air and water and for the roots to grow
Why are there different types of soil?
Because there are different types of rocks and organic matter in different places
How many different types of soil is there in the United States?
What can be used to see the small particles in soil?
A microscope
What color soil do plants grow best in?
Dark soil
How does fungi help soil?
Helps to break down dead plants and animals.
What is fungi?
Mold and mushrooms
True or false- A prairie would contain a lot of humus
True or false- A desert has a lot of humus
What is humus?
Soil formed from decaying plants and animals
What is it called when plants and animals die and break down?
They decay
What is an organic material?
Rotting plants and animals that give soil nutrients
What is in soil?
Many different particles, - including sand, silt, clay
What is a habitat?
A home for a living thing
What is an organism?
A living thing
What 3 ways can a rock be broken down?
Water, ice, wind
What happens to rocks that they become soil?
They break down
What is a natural resource?
something from nature that people can use
What is the parent material of soil?
What is soil?
The top layer of the earth