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Defining relative clause (who, which, where, tha ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That's the woman...............(when/who/where) helped me find the hotel.
That's the woman who helped me find the hotel.
The car ...............(who/which/where) has a scratch on the side is mine.
The car which has a scratch on the side is mine.
There's a restaurant downtown ...............(which/where/ who) you can eat paella.
There's a restaurant downtown where you can eat paella.
Mozambique is another country ...............(where/who/when) people speak Portuguese.
Mozambique is another country where people speak Portuguese.
Italy is the country............... (who/when/where) the renaissance began
Italy is the country where the renaissance began.
The person............... (where/who/which) I miss the most is my best friend.
The person who I miss the most is my best friend.
A cinema is a place ...............(which/where/who) you go to watch films
A cinema is a place where you go to watch films
I like books..................(where/who/which) have strong main characters.
I like books which have strong main characters.
That's the cafe................(which/where/who) I met my husband.
That's the cafe where I met my husband.
Elton John is the singer............ (which/when/who) sang Tiny Dancer.
Elton John is the singer who sang Tiny Dancer.