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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ABOVE ALL, I value kindness.
UNLIKE me, my sister is more sociable.
Cars must stop at a red light. SIMILARLY, bikes must too.
You should be honest. FOR INSTANCE, don't cheat on a test.
THUS (consequence)
The team didn't practice, THUS the low score.
BOTH Alice AND Mary are in love with him.
MOREOVER / FURTHERMORE (in addition to)
That car is ugly. MOREOVER, it is too expensive.
EVEN THOUGH (mesmo que)
EVEN THOUGH it was raining, we went to the festival.
The film got good reviews, HOWEVER it was too long.
MEANWHILE (enquanto isso)
You can set the table. MEANWHILE I'll cook dinner.
I like NEITHER oysters NOR clams.
FOR INSTANCE (example)
Bright colors, FOR INSTANCE, blue or green, can cheer you up.
ON THE OTHER HAND (contrast)
The dress is cute, but ON THE OTHER HAND, it's too expensive.
DESPITE (apesar de)
DESPITE the rain, we had a great picnic.
AS LONG AS (desde que)
AS LONG AS the music is low, you can listen to it.
THEREFORE (consequently)
I got sick. Therefore, I didn't do the test.
AS (because)
She rarely eats out, AS she loves cooking.