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Modals of Deduction

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The concert was fantastic. You really _________________ (come) with us.
should have come
Andrew did no revision nor he came to school, but still passed the test. He _________________ (cheat).
may have cheated / might have cheated
I waited for a bus for 45 minutes yesterday. There _________________ (be) an accident or a strike.
may have been / might have been
John has forgotten about the meeting, obviously. You _________________ (remind) him. Now, it is too late.
should have reminded
The boss is in a terrible mood. The meeting _________________ (be) good.
can't have been
You _________________ (yell) at her. She will never forgive you.
shouldn't have yelled
The bystanders are not sure but they said the cyclist who stole the lady's phone _________________ (ride) to downtown.
might have ridden
You have gained a lot of weight. Maybe you _________________ (eat) too much junk food.
shouldn't have eaten
His car isn't here. He _______________ (leave) the city already.
must have left
Look how badly you have failed. You _________________ (study) for your test instead of playing video games all the time.
should have studied
The window was broken. Somebody _________________ (break) into their house yesterday.
must have broken
I don't know where they went but they ________________ (go) to Russia. They were looking for somewhere cold for holiday.
might have gone
Scientists are not sure but they believe that some living organisms _________________ (exist) on Mars 20.000 years ago.
may have existed / might have existed
Jackie looked happy. She __________________ (pass) her driving test.
must have passed
You _________________ (be ) ill yesterday. Aussie told me he had seen you playing bowling at the mall.
can't have been