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2nd Grade Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time is it if the short hand is on the 12 and the long hand is at the 4?
If both hands on the clock are pointing the 10 what time is it?
The short hand is pointing at the 1 and the long hand is also pointing at the 1. What time is it?
If the short hand is pointing at the 4 and the long hand is pointing at the 1 what time is it?
If the short hand is point in at the 11 and the short hand is pointing at the 6 what time is it?
Myah was out for a walk and found $11.23 on the ground. She also has $5.00 in her pocket, how much money does she have all together?
Mateo is buying a gift for his brother. He has $17.00 the gift cost $13.86, how much money does he have left?
Molly went shopping with Grace. Molly spent $15.77 and Grace spent $20.44, how much did they spend all together?
Mason went to the store with $20. He spent $5.36 on snack. How much money does he have left?
Ms. Howard bought ice cream for all the 2nd graders. Ms. Griffin's class has 15 students, Ms. Buinicky's class has 16 students, and Mrs. Jones class has 14 students .How many ice cream's does Ms. Howard need to buy?
45 Ice creams
If the short hand is pointing at the 2 and the long hand is pointing at the 3 what time is it?
Mrs. Jones class is making volcanos. They have 6 volcanos and each volcano needs 2 tablespoons of baking soda. How much baking soda do they need all together?
12 tablspoons
Ms. Buinicky's class cleaned up the playground for Earth day. The class collected 35 chip bags and 17 empty milk cartons. How much trash all together did they collect?
52 pieces of trash
Ms. Griffin's class is having a party, she set the cupcakes on plates. There were 5 plates with 6 cupcakes on each plate, how many were there all together?
30 cupcakes
2 x 6 =
5 x 3 =
5 x 5 =
Mason and Myah baked brownies. They cut the brownies by making 3 rows of 6 brownies. How many brownies are there?
18 brownies
Mateo and Molly planted a garden. They planted two rows of flowers, with 12 flowers in each row. How many flowers did they plant all together?
24 flowers
5 x 7= ?
Mason is on the track team. He ran 16 miles last week and 15 miles this week. How many miles did he run all together?
31 miles
Mateo is sorting his legos, he has three piles of legos. Each pile has 10 legos in it, how many are there all together?
30 legos
Myah is on vacation in Hawaii. She saw a field of pineapples, there were 5 rows of 9 pineapple each. How many pineapples were growing in the feild?
45 pineapples
Molly is making tacos. She has 4 tacos with 6 tomatoe pieces in each. How many pieces of tomato did she use?
24 pieces of tomato