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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It’s a good way to save time by using logical symbols when you’re searching for some information on the Net. What is the symbol, “+”, for?
To make sure all the information you want won’t be missed.
Besides Google Search, think of 2 other websites you would use to search for information.
Yahoo, yam, IE, 百度....
Where is Google Headquarters located?
In California, the USA.
What does Google mean now?
Where does the word, "Google," come from?
It was created just due to the wrong spelling of googol, the number 10 to the 100th power.
What is it? And what can it do?
Google Docs. We can edit a file with other people in different places at the same time via it.
What is it? And what can it do?
YouTube. We can listen to music or watch videos, and even upload our own films via it.
What is it? And what can it do?
Gmail. We can send and receive some files via it.
What is it? And what can it do?
Google Translate. It can help us translate words in different languages.
What is it? And what can it do?
Google Map. It can guide us to the destinations (the places you want to go).
What is it? And what can it do?
Google Plus. It's a kind of social media, just like Facebook, Instagram, and twitter.
What is it? And what can it do?
Google Search. It can help us find out the information we need.
What is it? And what can it do?
Google Calendar. It can help us arrange our meetings and tasks.
What is it? And what can it do?
Google Drive. It can help us save documents.