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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you ever go to the swimming pool?
Do you like swimming?
The cheetah is faster animal in the world
the fastest animal 
Lake Baikal is deeper lake in the world
the deepest lake 
The USA is the smaller than Russia
smaller than
The cheetah is fastest than the mouse.
Tom is the taller boy
Tom is the tallest boy
I would like ___ water
I would like some water
I would like ___ watermelon
I would like a watermelon
I would like ___ drinks
I would like some drinks
I would like ___ rice
I would like some rice
I would like ___ lemons
I would like some lemons
I would like ___ lemon
I would like a lemon
I would like ___ melons
I would like some melons
I would like ___ melon
I would like a melon
I would like ___ cereal
I would like some cereal
I would like ___ milk
I would like some milk
I would like ___ cucumber
I would like a cucumber
I would like ___ cucumbers
I would like some cucumbers
I would like ___ onions
I would like some onions
I would like ___ onion
I would like an onion
I would like ___ pasta
I would like some pasta
I would like ___ meat
I would like some meat
I would like ___ apple
I would like an apple
I would like ___ orange
I would like an orange
I would like ___ eggs
I would like some eggs
I would like ____ bread
I would like some bread