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Weather, Climate, and Water Cycle - Grade 5

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where in a tropical climate are you most likely to find cooler weather and snow?
F - at the top of a tall mountain
G - at sea level near a cold ocean current
H - in cloudy places near the center of the continent
I - at the base of a mountain range that blocks air flow
A scientist reports 65'F at 12:00pm and 59'F at 5:00pm. What can explain the report difference?
B - Weather condiditon including temp can change quickly.
A - Temp usually increases from morning to afternoon
C - thermometers can give only one accurate reading per day
D - a thermometer was used 1st and a barometer was used 2nd 
A water glass forms condensation before a juice glass. Write the observation as an experiment.
I - Does liquid type influence the rate condensation forms?
F - what is condensation?
G - How does ice cause condensation to form in the water?
H - Does the temperature of the air influence condensation?
Water in a glass is measured & recorded for 4 days.Which graph shows water evaporated over time
The picture shows how a puddle changes during the day.  What process is taking place?
H - evaporation
F - condensation
G - precipitation
I - runoff
Jamie drew a picture of landscape with cacti & barren rock.What plants can grow in this climate
C - only plants that survive with very little water can grow
A - only plants growing very rapidly grow in this climate
B - only plants needing frequent, heavy rainfalls can grow
D - only plants that can handle both extreme heat and cold
Evaporation requires a source of heat energy. What's the main source of energy in a water cycle
F - sun
G - oceans
H - clouds
I - water vapor
Why are ocean levels not greatly affected by precipitation and riverflow?
B - water is constantly evaporating over the ocean's surface
A - water is constantly seeping underground in the ocean
C - water's constantly flowing back into rivers from oceans 
D - water is constantly deposited back on land by the waves
What are the keys factors that scientists use to determine the climate of a particular place?
F - temperature and precipitation
G - length of seasons and precipitation
H - distance from the ocean and altitude
I - types of living things and temperature range
Scientists study many factors to predict weather. Which most directly affects movement of air?
A - air pressure
B - relative humidity
C - precipitation
D - temperature
The climate in central Argentina is similar to central US. What map info best explains this?
H - both places are about the same distance from the equator
F - both are located east of the Pacific Ocean
G - Large mountains are in the western parts of both places 
I - both countries are large compared to other countries
The diagram shows the air movement pattern in a coastal area. What type of wind is illustrated?
B - sea breeze
A - valley breeze
C - land breeze
D - mountain breeze
Jefferey notices the air pressure rising.  Which type of weather does Jefferey expect?
I - fair weather
F - unstable weather
G - stormy weather
H - windy weather
The diagram shows 2 air masses meeting.  What's the weather like at this type of air boundary?
A - cloudy and rainy
B - clear and cold
C - clear and warm
D - windy and cold
Which of the following is a cumulus cloud?
The diagram shows the water cycle. At which point does precipitation happen?
C - 3
A - 1
B - 2
D - 4
The table below describes weather conditions at 2 different weather stations. Which is correct?
F - Station 1 is experiencing more rain than station 2
G - Both stations are experiencing freezing conditions
H - Station 1 is experiencing stronger winds than station 2
I - Both stations have wind traveling in the same direction
Most of the clouds in a photo of a mountain scene are cirrus. Where do cirrus clouds form?
B - at high elevation
A - around mountains
C - near the ground
D - over the oceans
Which procedure should Kendell follow to find the trend in air temperature changes in April?
G - Measure the temperature at noon every day in April
F - measure temperature every hour for 1 day
H - Measure the temperature at the same time each Monday
I-Measure the temperature on the first and last day of April
Deanna measured the temperature and humidity for 4 days. Which day was the most hot and humid?
A - Monday
B - Wednesday
C - Tuesday
D - Thursday