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Clauses and Phrases Review
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Give me a definition of an independent clause.
a group of words that has a subject and a verb or verb phrase (predicate) - it is a complete thought and can stand alone
Give me a definition of a dependent clause.
a group of words that has a subject and a verb or verb phrase (predicate) - it is NOT a complete thought and cannot stand alone
What is the difference between a clause and a simple sentence?
Both a clause and a sentence must have a subject and a verb. A sentence must be a complete thought. A dependent clause is not a complete thought.
Give me a definition of a phrase.
A phrase is a group of words that is missing either a subject, or a verb and is not a complete thought.
What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence? All night the rowdy soccer fans were yelling in the streets.
in the streets
What is the verb phrase in the sentence? Was your youngest son working at Mod Pizza in Redmond last night?
was working
What is the noun phrase in the sentence? The talented Moldovan artist was walking through the crowd.
The talented Moldovan artist
Is this a phrase or a clause? although she tried
Is this a phrase or a clause? over the hill
Is this a phrase or a clause? cracked the eggs for the omelet
What type of clause is this? So I decided to go to bed early.
What type of clause is this? I was tired after working all day
Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? Here's a gift for you to open.
for you- adjective
Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? During the day, the library is open to read.
during the day - adverb
Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? We went inside to eat dinner after sunset.
after sunset - adverb
Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? At the animal shelter, we got our new puppy.
at the animal shelter - adverb
Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? The sound of ringing bells filled the air.
of ringing bells - adjective
What is the noun phrase in the sentence? Mr. Volkman's black shoes were squeaking in the gym.
Mr. Volkman's black shoes
Is this a phrase or a clause? whenever she watched that movie
clause - dependent
Is this a phrase or a clause? is a very windy day
Is this a phrase or a clause? because she understood the material
clause - dependent
Is this a phrase or a clause? she completed her assignment
clause - independent