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Airports vocabulary

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you call a shop in an airport that sells alcohol, cigarettes etc without the tax that you have to pay if you buy them in a country?
duty-free shop
What do you call a flight taken from an airport other than that from which the journey began, and which is taken in a different plane from that used for the previous stage of the journey?
connecting flight
What do you call a short stay somewhere between parts of a journey, especially on a long plane journey?
What do you call the small manual vehicle in which you transport your suitcases?
What do you call the building where you wait for your plane?
What do you call the place/machine through where you must pass to verify that you are not carrying metal objects?
security check
What do you call the place inside the airport through which you must pass when you are going abroad?
passport control
What do you call the "machines" that take you up and down inside a building?
What do you call the doors that lead you to the planes?
What do you call a room at an airport where people wait before their flights leave)
departure lounge / departures hall
What do you call the place at an airport through which people and goods arriving in a country must pass and where any tax owed must be paid?
What do you call a place where you go to show your ticket and give in your bags before you get ready to board the plane?
check-in (desk)
What do you call the place at an airport where you collect your bags after a flight?
baggage reclaim
What do you call a place where you can leave your cases and bags to be put on a plane if you have already checked in for the flight?
bag drop / baggage drop-off
What do you call the place at an airport where people arrive when they get off a plane?
arrivals hall / arrivals lounge