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I Wish / If Only

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My car is broken and I don´t know anything about cars. I wish ...
I wish I knew something about cars.
I´m sorry because Tina can´t come to my party. If only ...
If only Tina could come to my party.
I don't have time to read lots of books. I wish ...
I wish I had time to read lots of books.
It's a pity I didn't bring my camera with me. I wish ...
I wish I had brought my camera with me.
I can't play the piano. I wish ...
I wish I could play the piano.
I’ve got a splitting headache. I wish ...
I wish I didn’t have a splitting headache.
I can´t give up playing video games. If only ...
If only I could give up playing computer games!
I ate a lot yesterday. Now I think it wasn't a good idea. I wish ...
I wish that I hadn't eaten so much yesterday!
I didn't study hard at school. Now I'm sorry about it. I wish ...
I wish that I had studied harder at school.
You smoke a lot! I don't like it. I wish ...
I wish that you wouldn't smoke so much!
My neighbours are not quiet and I don't like the noise. I wish ...
I wish (that) the neighbours would be quiet!
She has lost her passport. I wish ...
I wish she hadn’t lost her passport.
He didn’t help her. He feels so sorry now. He wishes ...
He wishes he had helped her.
My dog needs to go for a walk, but I haven't got time right now. If only...
If only I had time to go for a walk with my dog.
My friends invited me to a party, but I didn't go. I wish ...
I wish I had gone to the party with my friends.
I don’t have enough money to travel to New York. I wish ...
I wish I had enough money to travel to New York.
We don’t know what to do! If only ...
If only we knew what to do!
She didn’t say Yes! If only ...
If only she’d said Yes!
I don’t have much money. If only ...
If only I had more money!
I don’t know the answers.
I wish I knew the answers.
I’m not very tall.
I wish I was taller.