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Math OST Review 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are parallel lines?
would never touch, even if they went on forever
would form a 90 degree angle if they crossed
lines that cross but do not make a right angle
What are perpendicular lines?
would form a 90 degree angle if they crossed
lines that cross but do not make a right angle
would never touch, even if they went on forever
What are intersecting lines?
lines that cross but do not make a right angle
would form a 90 degree angle if they crossed
would never touch, even if they went on forever
What is a line segment?
a part of a line with a starting point and a stopping point
goes on forever in both directions
a starting point but no end point
any particular spot
What is a line?
goes on forever in both directions
a part of a line with a starting point and a stopping point
has a starting point but no end point
any particular spot
What is a ray?
has a starting point but no end point
is any particular spot
goes on forever in both directions
a part of a line with a starting point and a stopping point
What is a point?
any particular spot
has a starting point but no end point
goes on forever in both directions
a part of a line with a starting point and a stopping point
35 cents
Nasir had 150 marbles. He gave 2/5 of the marbles to Wendsky. How many marbles did he keep?
c) 3/6
At the grocery store Dominik bought four kinds of vegetables. He bought 3/4 pounds of carrots, 1/2 pounds of zucchini, 3/4 pounds of squash, and 1/4 pounds of kale. How many pounds of vegetables did he buy in all?
2 1/4 lbs.
2 3/4 lbs.
4 lbs.
3 1/2 lbs.
Josh has a set of 15 blocks. He gave five of the blocks to his brother. What fraction of the blocks did he give to his brother?
Noah has 280 baseball cards. He gave 1/4 of the cards to Eden. How many cards did he give to Eden?
Gavin has a set of red, orange, and blue cards. The orange cards make up 1/2 of the set. The set has four red cards. There are 3 times as many blue cards as red cards. How many cards are in the set?
b) 3/4
A sports store has 45 boxes of tennis balls, each with 3 tennis balls. It also has 129 tennis balls which are put into boxes of 3 tennis balls. How many boxes are there all together?
88 boxes
There are 17 boys and 14 girls in a class. The children sit at tables of 4. How many tables are needed?
8 tables
A plate holds six pieces of cake. How many full plates can be created from 74 pieces?
12 cakes
A group of 57 dancers are organized into groups of nine. How many full groups of nine can be created?
6 groups
A teacher asks some students to organize a box of 37 rings by hanging them in threes on some hooks. How many hooks are needed?
13 hooks