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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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we need to make a guest _____ for a party. How many people do you want to see?
When I was a kid, I was really _______ of dogs, because a dog bit me.
How ______________altogether?
much is it
Sorry, we are ___________apple juice.
out of
How many _______of bread ______there on the table?
loaves; are
Did they take ______of cookies?
a box, a tin
_______________is a round white vegetable with a brown, red, or white skin and many layers. It has a strong taste and smell.
An onion
_______________is a vegetable with green leaves around a white centre.
I want to buy a _______of ice cream.
______________ are milk, butter, and cheese.
Dairy products
How many _________of cabbage do we need to buy?
_____________is a small animal that looks like a mouse with no tail.
_______________is a small sea creature (створіння) that you can eat, which has ten legs and a soft shell (панцир).
A shrimp / a prawn
_____________is a small yellow bird that people often keep as a pet.
Every year, Sam __________ . He says nothing is as exciting as going down a fast river.
goes rafting
______________is a slow-moving land animal that has a hard round shell (панцир) that covers its body.
______________is a small South American animal bred for its fur.
When I first went to London with my friends, we didn't have GPS and ________ ! Luckily, some guys in the street told us the way.
got lost
Hurry up if you don’t want to _______ your train! It leaves in half an hour!
I think it’s risky to ______ because you don’t know the drivers and you can’t be sure where they will get you.
hitchhike / go hitchhiking
Last summer, we ___________ . It was awesome! We visited Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
went abroad