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Conditionals (b2)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rephrase: He won the lottery, then he gave €100,000 to charity. (hadn’t)
He wouldn’t have given €100,000 to charity if he hadn’t won the lottery.
_________________ (give) some money to charity if you won the lottery?
Would you give
What's the mistake? "If I had children, they would be free and independent as long as they prove to be trustworthy and responsible"
If you took more time over your work,................................. so many mistakes in it. (not be)
there wouldn't be
We’ll have to cancel the show ......... we sell more tickets at the last minute.
If I don't phone you, you can assume the train is on time. UNLESS...
Unless I phone you, you can assume the train’s on time.
Reprase: Evie lives in the basement flat. The flat above has a much better view.
If Evie lived in the flat above, she would have a much better view.
Rephrase: I really regret going to that new book shop and spending all my money last week!
If I hadn’t gone to that new book shop (last week), I wouldn’t have spent all my money.
Rephrase: I wish I had studied more. I didn't pass the exam. --> If I ...
If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.
If I ___________ (be) you, I would not buy that dress.
If I ____________ (tell) you a secret, you would be sure to leak it.
Rephrase: Rain is the only thing that will stop us from having a picnic tomorrow.
If it rains, we won’t have a picnic tomorrow.
Rephrase: He didn’t make a lot of money for charity because he didn’t ask many people to sponsor him.
If he had asked more people to sponsor him, he would have made a lot of money for charity.
Rephrase: It would be nice to have a lot of money because I’d set up a charity.
If I had a lot of money, I would set up a charity.
Rephrase: He made her go to bed or she would have fallen asleep at her desk.
If he hadn’t made her go to bed, she would have fallen asleep at her desk
Rephrase: The doorbell might ring. Will you open the door?
If the doorbell rings, will you open the door?
Rephrase: It’s a shame they were late for the match because they missed the goal.
If they hadn’t been late for the match, they wouldn’t have missed the goal.
Correct the mistakes: If I would be you, I worked harder
If I were you, I would work harder
Correct the mistake: If Dani will arrive on time, he will get a sticker
If Dani arrives on time, he will get a sticker
Rephrase: Students usually feel tired if they don't sleep well. Unless_________
Unless students sleep well, they usually feel tired.
Rephrase: Students will fail the test if they don't study the phrasal verbs. Unless___________
Unless students study the phrasal verbs, they will fail the test.
Rephrase: The teacher is angry because students interrupt him. If____________________________
The teacher wouldn't be angry if students didn't interrupt him.
Rephrase: Unless there is a lot of snow, Noa won't go skiing. If ______________
If there is a lot of snow, Noa will go skiing / If there isn't a lot of snow, Noa won't go skiing
Neal will give every student a sticker _______ everyone passes the exam
Provided that
even if
Rephrase: If you invite Alba to the party, she will come. Unless____________
Unless you invite Alba to the party, she won't come
Rephrase: Nadia doesn't like the teacher because he doesn't play games. If the teacher...
If the teacher played games, Nadia would like him
Rephrase: Manoel doesn't do homework because he is always very busy . --> If Manoel ________________
If Manoel weren't always very/so busy, he would do homework
Rephrase: She doesn't like him because he's not rich enough. If he __________
If he were rich enough, she would like him